Friday, February 26, 2010

Benny Hinn and the Divine Marriage

Suzanne Hinn filed the papers in Orange County Superior Court on Feb. 1, citing irreconcilable differences, after more than 30 years of marriage. The papers note the two separated on Jan. 26 and that Hinn has been living in Dana Point, a wealthy coastal community in southern Orange County.

I am in no way judging Hinn at all. I don't have the right neither intention to do so. The story of Hinn, is like, he is 'the chosen one' in Harry Potter, or 'the prophecised ones' like the 4 kids in Narnia, he is like Frodo of Lord of the Rings, he is like the King Arthur with the Excalibur.

I am sure, just like many of us, you were shocked of the news. I remember when I was a very young youth, filled with zeal and fire, his book was my favorite, 'Good Morning Holy Spirit'. And one of my most favorite section is the story about how he got married with Suzanne. It was a divine appointment. And still very fresh in my memory, that story to me was an amazing true story-fairy tale. It was more beautiful than any romance fairy tale story I ever know. Hinn met with a senior pastor, and the pastor had a very beautiful young daughter. They met. God told him that she is "the one". And Hinn asked God, if she is the one, please made her tell him, that she would make a cake for him. And God gave him 'the SIGN'. And they lived happily ever after. It was a perfect story. Really.

Oh..for a young teenager melancholy boy, that piece of story is more than everything. I carried it to my university days, all the way till I grew up. Most of very renown pastors in Indonesia would cite this miraculous story too. I dreamed of this too. That one day good Lord will give me the sign, in a beautiful setting and background just like Hinn's.

I don't care when Ted Haggard had sex with a male prostitute and used drugs. I don't bother that Paul Cain drunk in real alcohol and he was really drunk. Not my concernt that Paula and Randy White got divorced. Just laughed when I heard at the big Bethel Sinode Assembly Meeting, the pastors were exchanging pyhsical fists and abusive words for the fight of the Chairman position. Or when many-many mega church pastors messed up church finances.

But Hinn's story with Suzanne is a true fairy tale I used to keep preciously. It was like a dream. God matchmade you and the princess, you are the chosen one, you are so special. I knew then, I would never get Hinn's status, the way he befriended with God and the way God made special ararangement for him for his soul mate. But that story kept inspiring me, it's like the piece of treasure you'd remember with smile.

All I see now it's like the movie 'UP'. The man found out that all his childhood dreams, his super-idol-role model, his dream hanging waterfall....all are vanity and meaningless.... Or perhaps like a boy who used to adore the Santa Claus, felt so happy when he saw his mom kissing Santa Claus, kept singing that 'I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus'...until he grew up to realise that his mom had an affair with that "bloody santa claus".

God did not give me the sign then. I mean, the sign as I wanted it to be. There may be many signs, but not as I wanted. Or if there were any, I did not accept it, I rejected it. I did not have the beautiful fairy tale background and setting like Hinn had. But, all I know that I love my wife. And I know that love is difficult and not an easy word and should not be taken for granted like a sign of star in the sky.

All I know that love is a verb and choice. I choose to love my wife not because of the sign of stardusts in the sky, or the flowers and butterflies formed a heart-shape dance..... I choose to love my wife, regardless of the setting and background.

All I ask from God is not the sign and the beautiful setting. May His love stays in my heart and enables me to keep loving my wife till the end.....


gtanuel said...

A man wiser than me once walked with me after a cellgroup meeting towards the train station. He asked me a seemingly passing question, what is my [spiritual] wish/dream in life? If I remember correctly, it took me at least 3-5 seconds pause before giving answer. I couldn't forget his expression that night upon hearing my reply. And his: that mine's a noble one. I felt satisfied myself that night.

Fast forward through mundane and not so mundane life and its events. The man got married himself and although quite seldom, we still kept in touch. I treasured the conversation we had that night as both of us now wear similar shoes, and he was tasked even more while I'm still waiting for my miracle patiently.

My dream was indeed noble and never an easy-peatsy matter. It'i still the same even today:

To be a better husband.

crossing the river said...

i think you are wiser than that man, and i know actually deep down the man admires you deeply...