Monday, February 01, 2010

What kind of church (2)

9. Serving
Church activities are always the center of the church's understanding of serving God, of doing good works, etc. So much so, that it is more important than mercy outside the wall of the churches. Remember the story of the good Samaritans? All the church workers that passed by the poor fellow, got more important things to do, which is their church ministry schedule, than helping that poor beaten up fellow. Some more it would involve some sacrifice of time and money, whereas if they went straight to the church, they would receive honor, respect and money...they will be hailed just like God's angel, bringing the message on God's behalf...but helping that unknown infamous stranger on the street....? Who would appreciate me? If that robbed fellow is Donald Trump...maybe...hmm...

I would teach that serving can be anywhere, not only within the church walls. I dream that my members won't judge the spirituality of others just because they are not active in the church. They may have an elderly person to take care, instead of the time to be involved in church activities. And oh, by the way, I hope members are not racing to serve in the "public display" ministry, becoming singers, worship leaders, musicians for the sake of adrenalin of being admired and adored by people. You think, this is American Church Idol??

I remember once, one of my close friend, who was criticized, rebuked, etc. because he failed to turn up on one of music practice session. Nobody asked and knew that on that moment his wife was bleeding. Hello..???

I know love has become a too cheap word now, but still I dream that there's real love among the members and out to the people.....

10. What kind of building do you want for your church?
This is the hot topic. The church building is often the symbol of the prosperity of that church and the Senior Pastor of that church.

I would say just be pragmatic and realistic. The building is just a place that we use for gathering. Anything that can be used for people to sit down for some hours comfortably will do. I understand the measure of "comfortable" can be relative. Yes, in Singapore city and in Tasikmalaya, a small town in Indonesia, might be different. After all the humidity level is also different. Church building is NOT the place where God dwells, it is just a place for us to sit down together. We are the House of God. Please, Paul has already made it clear to the Athens long long time ago. Don't sell God's name for our comfort, please.

But, please...I remember one pastor was trying to raise fund for buying new church building and kept on mentioning on how God is longing to have a house, as if he was some homeless guy on the street. As we were using hotel's boardroom to worship, he also emphasize that this is displeasing God, as the hotel might be contaminated with some drunk party atmosphere.

I would think just being pragmatic and practical. If my church in some villages, maybe can just use home churches, if in the city follow what is available in that city. Building just built for function. Of course, if there are some members who are artists and want to design the church artistically, as their form of service to God, you're welcome.

1 comment:

Gold Apprentice said...

nih versi gue boss: