Friday, March 12, 2010

Love and better husband

One of my close friend, once responded to my question of what is his vision in life with 'to be a better husband'..

oh how true is his word....he is indeed very of the wisest among my friends...

love grows in marriage, much different than the way it did during the teenagers' courtship. It takes sacrifice, it filters out bullshit but it brings hard work. It makes you eliminate your angers in daily life, it makes you stop certain hobbies, it makes you spend less time for yourself, those are sounds mundande, but that is part of love too.

I see Jesus as an example. His love was not 'wishy washy'. It was simple, direct, clear then He died on the cross. It was not out of 'storming' emotion, misleading feeling, etc., it was simply out of love, then He died for you and me.

Isn' t that love all about?

So to be a better husband, is to mature our love to our wife.

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