Monday, February 01, 2010

What kind of church..

I recently accidentally asked my friend in email, what kind of church - if he has a choice - he wants to build? A church filled with prosperity and miracles teaching, nice building, etc that easily grab 10,000 members - or a church just a few thousands, solid teaching, plus you got a brain cancer...?

By strange "coincidence" I now have families (and friends) of many pastors, from struggling-handful- members church to megachurch. Well, of course, I fully realized even if I start a church, that will surely join the crowd of imperfect -very imperfect - churches.

But, still my minds wondering and wandering....and if I can use my imagination, day dream, if you will....

1. The church will teach strongly on grace, grace and grace. Just like my lecturer in SBC once said, Grace is scandalous. Grace is unfair. I would think our lifetime and the whole mankind history cannot unravel the mystery of grace. That would lead to the implication of there's no double predestination, there's no chosen man or woman to be punished. At the same time, we still shall believe in the paradox, that we are all chosen by grace, and predestined before the world was even formed. Nothing we could do to afford his grace, and nothing we have done could make grace closes the door. And this will reject the teaching of 'we could lose our salvation' plus we have to keep the ticket to heaven by good works..

2. How about money and prosperity? How about Financial Freedom? How about success? Must we or must not we become rich, successful, influential, public figure, etc?

I would teach the church, that God cares for us so much. God loves us so much. I don't want to define what is "care" to each of individual, for everyone has special and unique and existential relationship with God, and so does God has unique, special, detail plan and thought for each of us. Only God knows. I will teach, that bring your cares to God, God may do miracles about your dollars. But not only that, about all personal struggles too, kids, spouses, families, earthquakes, etc.

For a businessman who has not been sleeping well over a one billion business trouble, God may open the door and pass him some billions of dollars. For a 'cabai' sellers on the street, God bless him with a few dollars for the day. Of course, he may do something 'fun' too by turning around a cabai seller to become a bank owner, that is his prerogative right.

But, Jesus is not about money!

The point is, success is defined as how much we are resembled to Christ. Our spirituality cannot be measured whether we are rich, successful in wordly terms, become a public figure, etc. If we are given that portion, then it would become our responsibilities to distribute it to those who are less well. If we are rich in money and we want to take the measure of Christ, dare we to follow His path, the path of giving and sacrifice?

I would also teach that the real financial freedom is found after Peter's example. He got the miracle of fishes, his net was full with fishes, but then he forsook all to follow Jesus. I think, Peter has really achieved the true financial freedom. He is a free man, man!

So, the focus is never on material achievement but on spiritual. I would not be interested in theological discussion of 'Was Jesus rich or poor when he was on the earth?'

3. I want the church to be inclusive. I imagine, that my church members would welcome a prostitute, poor widow, as much as they welcome a rich, religious and influential public figure. I dream that my members would not ever judge anyone, whether someone wears a short skirt, color the hairs, use tattoo, or if someone has backslided, etc.

I remember in a church leader meeting, we discussed about disciplining some members. And we were using the section on which Jesus taught us, to treat the "fallen brother/sister" as tax collectors. So the pastor and other leaders discussed the need to ex-communicate the persons. I was so naive, to raise my hand, and ask how come in my Bible I read it, that the way Jesus treated the tax collectors is, that Jesus ate and fellowship with them and not driving them away.

They looked at me as if I was insane. By the way, the member we were talking about discipline did not do some sort of murder or adultery, it just that she was busy doing other ministry outside the church and that she may have missed out some church meeting....

4. Cultural Mandate
I don't wish our member to judge. Culture is relative and a lot of bible text are contextual to the culture of that age. Yes, I would believe that we are not from the world, and there will some form of world culture that is not good, yet still we cannot judge the people.

It's good to use the latest music trend in youth service, if they like it. And we can have the 'soft&slow' music for the elderlies. You want rock music, rap, blues, jazz? Bring it on, man..for Christ all the glory!! But I don't want we go to the extreme side, that we are purposely making everything like the world, for the sake of filling in the seats and offering bags.

I remember once, when my youth was about to perform in the main service, he wanted to wear the 'trendy glasses and writs bands', and one of the pastor rebuked him. I was just speechless.

Yes, there are many things permissible but if that stumble others, let's not do it. It's just that it will take God's wisdom every minute to guide us what is best for us on that time.

5. Miracle and Healing
I will fully teach all these miracle teaching and ask for the fullest power of God to be released to the members and people. Yet I will not shy away of the difficult things to explain about, why are there people not healed, why are there sufferings and pains. I would still use CS Lewis teaching about pain and Angus' experience in "Faith Like Potatoes" and admit that we don't have all the answers. After all, it is not our task to 'answer' but just to display the glory of God. See also

6. Satan and Deliverance
I would free my members from the teaching about generational curse. I will strongly teach the members, that once we are freed by the Son, we are totally free. No curse, no demon possession. If Satan is still at work in some members, that's only the power of deceit. If that person knows that he is actually has already been fully paid, and he has all the authority to kick out the Satan, he shall be free!!!!! Oh, Hallelujah!! Do I believe in the deliverance ministry? Yes, but on the basis, that the Blood of Jesus has cleansed us once and for all!!!

7. Speaking in Tongue
Yes, that's the gift of God. But I will teach them that speak in tongue is just a beginning in speak in Spirit's language. When we are united with the Triune God, the Spirit is so dear and close to us, that makes our life just like His language. Our body movement, our tongue movement becomes the language and the fruit of the Spirit. When you think, the Spirit's mind fills your mind, that's to me is Speaking in Spirit's Language.

8. Tithing and Offering
I will reject the teaching that likes to sell God, like the Chinese Kitchen God. You think, we can bribe him? Tithing and Offering, refers to above points about Money, comes from our resemblance of Christ and that we have achieved financial freedom like Peter.

I will not scare the members with the cliche sermon..."give it to God, oh you cheapskate, you owe God, give it to the church....if not ....there will be army of grasshoppers coming like flood eating your harvests....and God will take away his fences of protection....." ('Cause, we need a bigger and prestigious church, and I need to buy a new BMW....). Well, in Indonesia we have a group of people who like to ask for protection money, they are called 'preman'. And if we don't give them, something will happen to our property. If you think that this is caused by know.... so, please don't portray God just like another preman.

No..and no. There's no tithing. No point you do tithing, because you are scared of God and church, yet you abandon your parents and never give them allowance. You feel so righteous and religious because you give money to church's fund but you close eyes to your own parents?? Ho ho ho....

If you are really blessed and want to give 90%, be it, please do so, give to Him!'s between you and God...

...i will continue later

1 comment:

phoenix chix said...

So is this the church you want to build bro? =)

I can see NCC and CHC gene in this heh.

Still can't fully fathom the 'gospel of grace'. It's indeed scandalous. To me it's such a mystery that probably only God himself has the full understanding of it.

Tithing.. Hm.. Interesting =)
That would make you different from all the churches I have come across, including NCC and CHC.

Interesting =)