Monday, March 12, 2012

On the Cross Road

This is my fish tank that I just set up as a beginner. The theme as the title depicts is 'On the Cross Road'.

Imagine you were standing beneath the tall tree in front of the cross road. Two stony white roads before you. On the left, looks simple, wide and some big roots, waving from far. The other road is winding, with some tentacles-like roots, and welcome by some red lotus and beautiful leaves.

On your left is a submerged garden inviting you to rest. On the right, at the distance you see the mountain-like tall tress inviting you to conquer them.

For the record, the fishes I keep are flame dwarf gouramis, cardinal tetras, otto, shrimps, coolie loach, german blue ram, albino red fin shark, guppy, corydoras, lots of golden algae eaters, some ramshorn snails.

1 comment:

phoenix chix said...

nice one bro!
always wanted to have my own fish tank but nvr get to it haha.

anw.. havent seen your update for a while :)