Monday, September 21, 2009

God, Prosperity and Reality

I had an interesting encounter recently, that more or less giving me some answer to a neverending question I have, in regard to mega church, prosperity theology and reality.

I attend a few mega churches and as commonly they are, they encourage the building of wealth as God's will. If you ask me, I think they are men of God (at least those that I attend or know), they are God's chosen servant notwithstanding the fact that it does not mean that ALL their teaching is correct. Neither does it mean, that all they say, behave, or their church policy is all accurate. I think they all are possible making mistake both in their teaching and thought.

Sounds like contradicting? Well, I think we all now see the blur reflection on the mirror, till the day we'll see God face to face. That day, we'll understand him fully, not as now.

Now, coming back to this prosperity problem, I always have problems. Some are just logical dilemmas. For example:
  • If you teach that God wants the best property for us, i.e finding house for us. Mind you, the preacher spesifically said, the best in town for us. This lead to a mathematical problem, because the best is only one, and there are more than one Christian in town
  • Mathematically, you can't have all members to be rich persons. And economically, some professions can't compete with others. For example, being a teacher or a maid, would make it incomparable to compete with a Wall Street analyst or bankers. So, how would a member who coincidentally is a taxi driver feel about the teaching?
  • Case studies in pulpit are always about the 'absolute' rich people. The preacher would proudly announce how he knows this and that rich Indonesian businessmen, of the replica house like White house, etc. I understand marketing and packaging. The moment you share a story about a maid. that she feels so financially blessed, because today she could earn additional $10, would just really piss off most the attendees.
  • Biblically, they love to quote all examples of rich people and forgetting the case that Jesus himself, Paul, etc were not typical Warren Buffet of the day.
  • Just take a quick surveys..most of the richest in town or country, they are not Christian. Forbes would agree with me.
I had a long day and in the middle of tense anxiety. Very tense. And very worried. That night I took a cab. I chatted with the taxi driver, whose name and race is not really typical in Singapore. 80% of my experience listening to taxi driver is that they always complain and bicker about their job and the hard life they go through. So now I started with this topic.

He shared with me, that he drives cab after being retrenched from his company after the Asian Financial Crisis. He shared how his skill is useless, because he doesn't have paper. I shared with him too, that's life in Singapore is tough, bla bla bla..that I might think to go back to my homeland, bla bla bla, at least I could start a business, bla bla. He agreed with me, that starting a business in Singapore is tough.

So suddenly I saw that piece of cross made of paper hanging in front. Casually I asked if he goes to church. He replied yes, and yeah...he goes to one of the biggest mega church in town, which I attend too. So, we chatted more openly.

So he started to share, how intially he was reluctant to drive after being retrenched, till he surrendered to God, and how God has miraculously been taking care of him. He doesn't drive every Sunday, that is a loss of $480 of taxi rental, yet he is still able to give tithing in between $400-450 per month. One day his son decided that he wanted to go to university, he did not have any money, he trusted God. Thereafter the problem was solved, as his son got a loan from the bank. He shared with me the little things God help him daily, like the fact that he got me as passenger, as it is the same way he was going home.

He was full of energy of excitement when he shared this. "Just rest...don't need to do anything to be blessed by God.." shared he enthusiastically. "God will provide..." Of course, what he meant not just sleeping at home. "And for you, if you want to be here, you don't worry, 'cause God will provide..."

I asked a rethorical question if he felt bitter because he drives taxi now, as oppose he used to work in office. The answer is clear of course...he sees this as his life calling....

The taxi reached my place. He smiled at me, when I paid. Inside the dark cab, I had a strange sight, perhaps just my eyes. I saw as if his face was celestially glowing in the dark.

I kept on thinking about it that night and talked about it with my wife. I never hear in those mega churches, how they would be proud of God's way to bless the realtively-not-rich people financially. It is awkward if they share in their spectacular pulpit, stories about taxi driver or maid or teacher in the context of prosperity theology. Because their concept about prosperity and/or financial is absolute. A dollar is significantly different with a million dollars. Or even they do not really think it is absolute, they cannot share the story of the little ones.

I somehow see from different perspective from now on. I see how God's invisible hand work miraculously in interpreting the pulpit's message to all His little lambs. God has His way, he knows what's happening and know what to do. The little ones, by God's grace, will see the light himself, and find the ways as God opens them.

I believe wholeheartedly that God blesses us in every way as He pleases. That includes money. But the metrics for that does not follow man's principle. God knows what is best for us. It might be a CEO post in Lehman or any Wall Street, it might be a five digits salary in USD, it could be that he blesses us while we drive taxi, yet He will make us lifted.

I know, were I be the one became taxi driver, I would feel bitter to God and would see it as a failure. And maybe the mega church pulpit would think the same too. But really, God cannot be packaged into our own formula.

I would think that God was a failure when Jacob had to migrate to Egypt to escape the famine. I mean...He is Almighty...and if I were the prosperity teacher then, I would teach that, in Jacob's land, there should be miracle, that their crops will yield harvest, even though the lands next to them were all destroyed. But He is not. The Bible said, that that was God's way. He prepared Joseph long way back to prepare this sophisticated salvage mission. I might think otherwise, that God should just make some miracle and open the heaven's gate, what is so difficult?

But that's not His way. And Jacob, old age, before Pharaoh said, "The years of my sojourning are 130—a short and hard life and not nearly as long as my ancestors were given."

Jacob, the man who cheated his brother in the chase of prosperity finally found the real prosperity.


phoenix chix said...

I agree.. totally =)

phoenix chix said...

btw.. which church you are attending now bro?