Sunday, September 13, 2009

always be nice

i have learned some lessons throughout the recent titanic episode. it's quite sad perhaps, that i think the lesson is a basic one.

always be nice to everyone.
you never know, who will stretch their hands to reach you when the titanic starts to sink. one touched my hand and told me 'relax, God is watching us' despite i had numerous fights with the person. the other one said 'don't let them look down on you, you have to know that you are good..' despite i ever had hours on the phone quarelling. one just came into my room said nothing..but 'how are you' with the face expressing deep sympathy. one sent sms-es from outside, despite we were not that close when we were on the same ship, 'things happen for a reason, keep faith in god'. the funny thing, i don't even know what religion those people are who mentioned god, yet it was just so nice.

use brain and be rationale all the time (this one i got it from my seefoo).
the persons that i have tried to be over-nice, were the ones that then put the darts on my back. the fact that i was hurt, because perhaps i was not sincere then, i was nice to them to get their support during my reign time. lesson, don't need to overdo it...

so, in future, just be nice to everyone in sincerity.

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