Sunday, April 30, 2017

Pulang kepada senja di kotaku

Belum lama ini aku pulang ke kotaku
Tempat tumbuh dan kenangan masa kecil diukir
Bangunan-bangunan kusam masih seperti dahulu, dan bertambah tua
Delman-delman menunggu santai di pagi berdebu

Waktu tidak bisa dicegah. Dia berlari atau melayang atau cuma merangkak, dia tetap bergerak

Waktu membuat perspektif berbeda. 
Api yang membakar menjadi lilin yang tenang. 

Aku bertemu dengan seseorang yang dahulu datang mengancam ke rumah,
kusapa dan kusalami, tersenyum dia memamerkan giginya yang ompong. 
Wajah keriput, rambut tipis, otot menguap, menghapus semua kegarangan masa lalu. 

Waktu seperti membawa kesakitan dan kepedihan. 
Melihat sosok tulang terbalut kulit, terengah-engah bicara. 

Aku juga bertemu seorang tukang parkir yang bahagia dan terlihat muda
Menyapa adikku, dia mengingatkan kalau dia tukang becak yang dahulu mengantarnya waktu masih SD
Puluhan tahun berlalu, cucunya sudah dua
Menjalani masa tua dengan kegembiraan orang muda, sungguh baik adanya. 

Who moved my cheese... my what?

Remember the famous management book 'Who move my cheese?'  The story is about a mouse community who one day find that the their source of cheese has been depleted. They keep hoping and waiting. One mouse, though, declares that this is reality. The cheese will never come back and that they have to go and find a new place with cheese. Nobody moves the cheese, it's just the way it is, says the mouse, to which he receives all the mockery. In short, he goes and wanders and he is right and he gets a better life than those who don't. 

My younger son, 7 years old (almost), told me that actually what the mice chase are not cheese. They actually like carrot and peanut, but it is locked in the jar, he explains. So they chase cheese instead without realizing what they are originally yearning for. 

Morale of the story: find out what it really matters to you in life. 

Monday, April 03, 2017

At the feet of the Cross

I fell at the foot of the cross and I saw the feet covered with flowing blood.
I heard Him asked,"How do you feel to live a life that has been completed?"