Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Kingdom of God and Flying Without Wings

Setelah sekian lama menggumuli Matius 6:33, tiba-tiba saya menemukan suatu arti baru dari ayat hebat itu. Carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan Kebenaran-Nya maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu.

Beberapa penafsiran yang populer dan umum misalnya:
1. Yang basic, pokoknya cukup bilang secara high level, bahwa kalau kita beribadah dengan taat, hidup baik2 di hadapan Tuhan, maka Tuhan akan memelihara kita. Tidak ada yang salah dengan ini, cuma untuk orang-orang melan seperti saya, saya tidak pernah yakin dan selalu dihantui keraguan 'apakah saya cukup baik? bagaimana dengan dosa kecil, besar yang disembunyikan di bawah pohon? Apakah server yang down kemarin itu gara2 Tuhan bete dengan saya?

2. Yang lebih prosperity, kira2 begini: Saudara2, berilah untuk Tuhan, perlebar kerajaan Allah, malam hari ini, saat Engkau membuka dompetmu, menulis cek-mu, saat ini juga, aku katakan, tingkap-tingkap langit terbuka, dan kepadamu akan ditambahkan. Ditambahkan, ditambahkan sampai meluap-luap....apa itu yang meluap? emas, perak, saham, bank account, BMW, dll...Tidak ada yang salah juga dengan ini, emang mana bisa saya bilang si ini atau si itu salah :)

Nah, cuma belakangan waktu kebetulan dengar lagu-nya Flying Without Wings dari Westlife, yang jelas2 lagu sekular...teks-nya begini:

Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
Cos who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete
Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cos you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends

I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings

Hmm.... sepotong lagu dunia untuk menafsirkan ayat suci? Penulis lagu ini cuma bilang kalau lagu ini tentang 'apa yang membuat kita 'complete' '

Tiba-tiba saya melihat perspektif Matius 6:33 dalam cahaya yang lain. Bisakah saya menyanyikan tiap pagi, bahwa yang terutama dalam hidup saya, adalah saat melihat wajah Sang Pencipta Mentari bersinar pada saya setiap pagi, dan bahwa setiap saat saya bisa membisikkan 'Saya mencintai-Mu' dalam degup sukacita yang bergolak?

Bisakah? Itulah yang terutama dan membuat hidup kita utuh, komplit, complete, cukup, penuh, tak kekurangan, sempurna - yaitu kalau kita menyatu dalam Kerajaan Allah itu. Pada saat itu, semua yang lain, they do not matter anymore. Dan itulah artinya kata "ditambahkan" - artinya, yang lain-lain itu bukan lagi yang utama, bukan yang membuat engkau complete, bukan yang membuat engkau bahagia seutuhnya, bukan yang membuat engkau penuh sepenuhnya. Allah tetap akan menyediakan semua itu, makanan, pakaian, rumah - seperti Dia memelihara triliun-an burung- burung yang berkeriapan, seperti Dia mendandani bunga-bunga bakung, dan juga koral-koral di dasar laut serta bunga edelweiss di puncak gunung - dan semua itu cuma tambahan.

Karena kalau kita bisa melihat Mentari itu bersinar tiap pagi menerpa wajah kita, dan kita tenggelam dalam Kerajaan Allah, itu saja yang membuat hidup kita utuh.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Flying Without Wings

I fell asleep and woke up with this Westlife's song.

I am glad I was reminded that we cannot have everything in life. Life is about many choices and what we decides.

Everybody's looking for a something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be.

Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place

Life works in a way of balance. If you choose to eat the cake you cannot have it anymore. If you choose to use your time to read newspaper, you will take the time you can use with your spouse. If you reject a friend's request or give in, there is something you either give or take away in the friendship.

If you are worried and restless in life, there are some energy and time you spend instead of enjoying it with your beloved.

The joy to watch the sunrise on God's face, my wife's face is something I want to choose and would make fly without wings.

With that, suddenly I remember something, I email my friend, coz I know what I want to choose and let go to have my life fly without wings.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Connecting the Dots

It is about Steve Jobs. Well he was not a philanthropist, neither ever does he give me a free coffee. I don't know him personally. He did not live next door or in my block.

So, why is this unknown person leaving the world with so muchb respect, including from me?

It is his spirit and legacy. What he did, inspire the world. Proving that we can do it. If we were born poor and needed to collect on 5 cent per Coca Cola can, look at him, he could make it. If we had to drop out of college coz no money, look at him. Follow your heart and do what you love to do.

He is a symbol of courage and freedom.

Something the average people have lost. We would not want to pursue what we love and feel free to do? Why? Coz we got another 20 years of this bloody housing loan. And the education fund for the kids.

So we will keep slogging with anxiety, worry, and restlessness, till we are old and have no energy to chase our dream - in order to ensure we have bread on the table, and a bit of money to buy iPhone :)

Steve, your legacy of courage, freedom spirit, and perseverance - may it still remains.