Friday, May 28, 2010


I never thought that I would have had to send this "kind of" email. Sigh.
Dear Colleagues,

Tomorrow is my last day in XXXX and I want to say thank you for all your support and kindness you have rendered to me for the last (almost) 6 years. As I close this chapter, it reminds me of the epigraph to the Romance of The Three Kingdoms about the Three Gorges in Yang Tze River. Allow me to quote a piece of poem from Yang Shen, translated by Lee Wei Ling:

Wave on wave the long River rolls away;
Gone are all heroes with its spray on spray
Success or failure, right or wrong, all turn out vain
Only green mountains still remain,
To see the setting suns’s departure.
The white-haired fisherman sail on the stream with ease,
Accustomed to the autumn moon and vernal breeze.
A pot of wine in hand, they talk as they please.
How many things before and after, all melt into gossip and laught

Ik wil iedereen op deze manier erg hartelijk danken voor de goede samenwerking in de afgelopen periode, uiteraard wens ik iedereen veel succes binnen XXXX. De God zegent u.

Selamat Tinggal,

So? Foes or allies, all are gone in the spray of River. Gold or sabre, all sink into the River. What do we have but a piece of happiness with a pot of wine when we travel through the Lake and River.


phoenix chix said...

wow bro..
haven't visited your blog for long.
it has been so long.. since the last time we met =)

Gold Apprentice said...

eh? loe pindah kerja bro? kemana nih skrg? wah mesti kongko2 nih :)