Monday, September 04, 2017

Mimpi aneh di Phuket

I dreamed that I was abducted on the way to work. I was made a slave in a factory that suprisingly just near by my office. 

Cut short the story, after some 1-2 years I managed to escape and made police report. I was so angry to the abductor and the factory master. 

In the morning I was thinking what does it mean?

Suddenly I could feel more on what Joseph have felt. Why didn't Joseph try to find his father right after he was made Zafnaat Paaneah?

He had the power and plenty of time. Just sent some 10 fine men of Egyptians to travel and find some information is so easy. 

Joseph was a teenager when he was abducted. Doted by his dad. He relied much of his dad. 

I am pretty sure, in the first few weeks and months he thought that his dad will pick him back. Years, the hope was fading. He never knew for sure, why. Did he feel the feeling of being abandoned by his dad? He did not know of course that the brother had told Jacob that he has died. 

Then I remembered that fulfills the picture when Jesus cried 'Eli Eli Lama Sabakhtani ..'

Joseph focused on God for the rest of his days.