Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fearless in Divergent

I just watched Divergent and as usual there are some insights I can pick from movie. 

In the movie there was a scene where Tris had to pass a simulation test how to overcome his fear. If she were a dauntless she would need to confront the object of her fears. But because she was a divergent she was able to recognise that it was not real and instead of fight against the object of fear she simply shrugg them off. 

I used to have a lot of nightmare too, but after a while I could recognise it was a dream and tried to control the dream or tried to wake up. Not all the times though. 

Same thing in life. There are 2 ways to overcome fear. You could fight the object of fear. Brace your selves. Brave yourselves. Make up your mind. Hardened your heart. Take heart, be strong, be courageus, take bravery. Fight your fears. 

Another way is to take control of your mind and step into the real reality that none of your fear is real. None of it? What?? You may ask, gotta be kidding! The situation is real!

If you step into God's reality and His perfect love and you completely trust Him - there shall be no fear. You will find that the object of fears in life are not real because Someone has already overcome it. 

It's faith. Some would call it insane too. 

And today I just read a fearful news that average people may not have enough to survive in their retirement ages in Singapore, one of the most wealthiest country. 

Fear, fear not? 

Brave yourself? 

Trust Him?

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Once upon on Saturday

Today I managed to paint the wall that was previously decorated by Ben. First time and not bad :)

And talking about Ben - today he prayed for a taxi when we were waiting in the bus stop. Miraculously, a taxi straight away appeared as soon as he finished the prayer. But-but-but someone ahead of us stopped the taxi first. Ben protested and shouted, 'Hey, I pray first...!'

I had dinner with family at a food court. There was a seller selling some stuffs like key chain etc approached us. He carried a paper showing his 'license' (or perhaps business registration) and a photo of little girl. He had moved from one table to another and seemed no success. I was prepared to say no as well - or in fact I did. But I caught him saying something in broken English about taking care of his grandmother. 

So, I looked at him. About 40+. Face described his years of hard life. He is local. Arms full of tattoo. Whether he cheated or lied or was honest - I don't know. But I know $10 is not gonna hurt me. 

I bought a touch pen. 
'Do you know how much in the shop?' He asked.
 I shook my head.
 'Twelve dollar,' he said.
 'Anyway I just want to help you.' I said.
 I looked at him and curiously asked him, 'Is it difficult?' 
He was a bit surprised of my questions. And he started pouring out his struggle. I couldn't really capture, but the story flows, he has to take care his grandparent and parents and his 1 year old girl and his wife left him...the conversation stop as 2 girls 'shoo-shoo' him as they need to walk through.

I saw him hopping around the tables. Mostly no success. I regretted, I should have bought more. 

Life is hard. 

I took a cab. The taxi driver politely asked me to show the way as he is new. So naturally I chatted with him on his life story. He said he just started 2 weeks after 5 years working in Thailand. Car is expensive, he said. So he took taxi because he needs the car to take care of his grandma once a week. That makes him difficult to work normal job as well, as he said, nobody wants to employ if he must take leave once a week. He told me he needs to drive about 10 hours to be break even. 

Life is hard, again.

I admire the two men I met. They are filial. It's just that the system makes their life difficult. 

I hope prayer can resolve difficulties and suffering. I do hope.